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Saab Global

Bringing innovations to life

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当丽莎·弗里德儿时想成为一名兽医的梦想没有实现时, she suddenly had to rethink her future plans. 当时她唯一确定的是她对数学和绘画的极大兴趣. 如今,丽莎在亚洲体育博彩平台担任技术作家,她将这两种激情结合在了一起.



Breaking down barriers

Let us introduce you to our world of opportunities

Lisa has been a part of Saab for almost two years. As a technical writer, she spends her days illustrating, 写作, 编写用户手册和技术文档,以展示如何在实践中使用和维护亚洲体育博彩平台的产品和系统.

However, Lisa's choice to start working at Saab was a coincidence. Before taking on her current role, she had no idea that this profession even existed, 亚洲体育博彩平台公司的开放环境和知识的深度同样让她感到惊讶.

"Even if I want to move on to something else, 我不必离开亚洲体育博彩平台,因为这里有所有的发展机会."
Lisa Frid, Technical Writer

“在我开始在Örebro大学学习设计和产品开发之前, 我不知道在这种情况下处理技术信息是可能的. 我也有一些偏见,认为亚洲体育博彩平台有点保守和男性主导. 但当我在亚洲体育博彩平台写硕士论文时,我有了相反的经历. Everyone welcomed me with open arms, 而且我强烈地感觉到,在完成论文之后,我想留在这家公司," says Lisa.


“直觉告诉我,也许他们是故意把我放在那里的,因为, in my interviews with Saab, I talked a lot about my interest in UX Design. 我很感激有机会表达我的意见,并得到帮助,找到正确的道路. 如果我没有和我的UX同事在一起,或者没有得到支持去追求我的激情, my career might have taken a different direction."

Boosting professional development

作为一名技术作家,丽莎会见并与亚洲体育博彩平台的各种人和专家合作. As the curious person she is, 当她把工作中实际的部分结合起来时,她的工作感觉最充实, such as coding and 写作, 从同事那里学习产品和系统的新方面.

“我记得有一次,我正在寻找我们一种产品的信息,需要找到该领域的专家. I remember thinking, “有没有可能在亚洲体育博彩平台聘请一位电磁场专家来回答我的问题??' Well, of course there was! 我们公司在这些专业领域拥有如此深厚的知识,真是令人鼓舞."

Lisa Frid, Technical Writer


The best thing about Saab?

我很感激我的工作是如此的多样化,有很多不同方向的发展方式. I'm also very thankful for my colleagues, who are always supportive when it comes to my work life, as well as my personal life

The most motivating?

Being part of something bigger and contributing to our shared mission. We are all striving towards the same goal, 我很高兴能成为其中的一员,从我们的小国家提供世界领先的产品.

A talent you wish you had?

I really wished I could sing. 我很想在朋友的婚礼上唱歌,或者在卡拉ok吧给人留下深刻印象!