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Soldier with Carl-Gustaf M4 and FCD 558 and thermal sight.

The power of communication

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Developed with the help of customer feedback, 亚洲体育博彩平台的HE 448弹药和卡尔-古斯塔夫®系统的FCD 558火控装置相结合,可以解决更多的战场挑战.

The nature of modern warfare is constantly evolving. 为了保持竞争力,武装部队也需要发展,接受新技术和新战略.

亚洲体育博彩平台,我们早就明白,这同样适用于军队使用的武器. 最有效的武器是那些不断进化以应对新挑战的武器,同时仍然保持足够简单,可以在激烈的战斗中轻松使用.

正是这种方法导致了卡尔-古斯塔夫系统的新成员的诞生. Developed through discussions with users, HE 448高爆弹和FCD 558火控装置将卡尔-古斯塔夫的用户体验提升到一个新的水平, providing troops with solutions to common battlefield challenges.

Soldier with Carl-Gustaf M4 and FCD 558
Soldier with Carl-Gustaf M4 and FCD 558

The successor to the HE 441, HE 448是一种威力强大的高爆弹,专为对付无保护部队而设计, 隐藏的部队, and soft skin targets including vehicles. 弹药中的接口允许它与新的火控装置(FCD)通信。, 大大提高精度. 与此同时, reduced weight and modifications to the composition help increase the  range, fragment distribution and lethality of the round. A fuze allows the HE 448 to be used in both direct attack and air burst mode.

“Through discussions with users, we discovered a need for an even more effective HE round,” says Saab Customer Service Representative Petter Grabbe. “然而,我们面临的挑战是在不增加士兵复杂性的情况下进行改进. Instead, we actually wanted to make it even easier to use.”

So, how do the HE 448 and FCD 558 combine to solve battlefield problems? And what key advantages do they bring to troops in the field?

更多的 effective against body armour

According to Petter Grabbe, 用户的一个普遍要求是高爆弹能更好地击穿防弹衣. 敌对部队越来越多地使用这种装甲,并且可以限制破片弹的效力.

Our designers addressed this challenge in several ways. 一种是用HE 448中一个小得多的机电引信取代HE 441的机械引信. 同时, the 800 steel balls in the HE 441 have been replaced with 4,000 tungsten pellets in the HE 448, 增加碎片密度和打击敌方战斗人员脆弱区域的总体概率.


与此同时, 而我们传统的FCD和HE弹药可以攻击1300米外的目标, users looked for even longer range.

我们的工程师听取了他们的意见,并做出了回应,与HE 441相比,HE 448的总重量减少了500克, 瘦到只剩一个了.7公斤. 减轻的重量提供了更高的初速和覆盖更多地面的能力. 同时, 弹道技术的进步(见下文)不仅保证了HE 448飞得更远, it is able to maintain outstanding levels of accuracy over that distance.

Increased accuracy in all conditions

A key concern for every fire team is first-round hits. 一旦你向敌人开火,你就暴露了自己的位置,成为了一个明确的目标.

Special Forces with Carl-Gustaf M4 and 558
Soldier with Carl-Gustaf M4 with FCD 558
Carl-Gustaf ammunition High Explosive round HE 448
HE 448
Fire Control Device 558 for Carl-Gustaf M4
FCD 558

Petter解释说,亚洲体育博彩平台的工程师通过在子弹和火控装置之间创建一个接口来解决更高精度的要求,从而允许更精确的弹道计算. Via a protocol known as ‘Firebolt’, 弹药向FCD提供推进剂温度的准确信息. This is a key factor in ballistics, as rounds with cooler propellant will generally travel slightly slower, while warmer propellant causes a round to travel slightly faster. FCD 558中的弹道计算机使用推进剂温度的信息来略微调整炮弹的出口轨迹, greatly enhancing the chance of a first-round hit. 这对空中爆炸模式特别有帮助,在这种模式下,炮弹被设置为在目标上方的空中引爆.

Even simpler user experience

卡尔-古斯塔夫系统 is known around the world for its simplicity and durability. 在HE 448和FCD 558的设计过程中的艰苦工作意味着现在使用武器比以往任何时候都简单.

例如, 而老式HE 441弹的引信需要在装填前手动设置以启用空爆模式, the procedure for the HE 448 is far simpler. The gunner simply uses a toggle on the FCD to select the correct mode.


类似的, 而传统火控系统需要根据使用的弹药安装不同的射程旋钮, the digital interface on the FCD 558 removes this need. When a Firebolt-compatible round is chambered, the FCD is immediately able to identify the 圆的类型. Once the gunner inputs the range, the ballistic computer in the FCD uses the range, 圆的类型, 攻击模式以及推进剂和环境温度来计算成功命中的最佳弹道. 而以前的火控系统依靠机械调整来实现弹道, this is achieved electro-mechanically in the FCD 558. It is fully compatible with standard optical sights via a picatinny rail.

与此同时, 火控装置和弹药重量的减轻减轻了消防队员需要携带的负担.

Compatibility with legacy products

最后, while the HE 448 and FCD 558 produce optimal results when used together, they are both compatible with legacy Carl-Gustaf systems. 传统弹药将不能将其类型和推进剂温度传达给FCD 558. 然而, 炮手可以简单地通过一个开关输入炮弹类型,使弹道计算机选择正确的弹道.    

与此同时, the HE 448 can be fired using the legacy Carl-Gustaf fire control device, although only in direct attack mode.